
BBC Daytime & Early Peak
Muslim has been with the BBC for 22 years and produced award-winning content across Radio, TV and Digital. Starting as a Researcher in TV Entertainment he went on to produce music programmes and features for BBC Radio 1 and was the co-creator of digital youth brand BBC The Social where he commissioned multi-genre content including partnerships with News, a YouTube drama set in Edinburgh and a slew of viral hits across a social media portfolio. He joined the BBC Daytime commissioning team 7 years ago and looks after some of the department's longstanding titles including ‘Homes Under The Hammer’ and ‘Antiques Road Trip’ alongside smash new commissions such as ‘The Travelling Auctioneers’ and ‘Clive Myrie’s Italian Road Trip’ - he is also Nations lead for BBC Daytime in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Alongside his day-to-day role as Commissioning Editor, Muslim is keen on discovering how evolving audience behaviours and new technologies like AI can transform the landscape of content conception, production and distribution.
Regional Chair for Northern Ireland, Writer's Guild of Great Britain
Regional Chair for Northern Ireland, Writer's Guild of Great Britain
Founder & Executive Producer at The Connected Set
Jason Mitchell founded The Connected Set in 2011, a television and online video producer operating at the intersection of TV and emerging technology. Jason oversees development and production of a number of television and online series for broadcasters across the UK and US, and is responsible for Mashed, one of YouTube’s biggest animation channels, with 4.5 million subscribers and over 2 billion cross-platform views. He is a proponent for using AI tools in development and production, and has delivered AI training at C21 Media’s AI Academy as well a presenting on AI developments at major conferences including Content London, Content Americas, Content Canada and South Korea’s Global Content Conference, as well as consulting for a variety of broadcasters, distributors and publishers.
Controller, Youth Audience, BBC Iplayer and BBC Three
Controller, Youth Audience, BBC Iplayer and BBC Three